Rebecca Niles is an LA based Managing Director and Executive Producer, championing story and talent, & delivering exceptional results.

With a unique perspective on the industry that allows her to stay ahead of the curve and constantly explore new techniques with creative approaches, she is known for her dedication to innovation and pushing boundaries, earning her a reputation as a trailblazer in the field.

Rebecca curates a diverse roster of talented directors and fosters a culture of collaboration and experimentation. She has both passion for creativity and astute business acumen, approaching every challenge with a can-do attitude — always finding a way to turn obstacles into opportunities. She has had the opportunity to produce commercials all over the globe, and has called New York, Mexico City and Los Angeles home.

Rebecca serves actively on judging panels for AICP , Shots, Ciclope, The Emmys, The Webby’s & YDA.




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Design: FRANKLYMYDEAR, Code: La Playa

Rebecca Niles is the Managing Director of ArtClass, a premier production company that champions young talent and delivers exceptional results.

With a non-traditional background, Rebecca has a unique perspective on the industry that allows her to stay ahead of the curve and constantly explore new techniques and creative approaches. She is known for her dedication to innovation and pushing boundaries, earning her a reputation as a trailblazer in the field. At ArtClass, Rebecca curates a diverse roster of directors and fosters a culture of collaboration and experimentation, bringing her passion for creativity and business acumen inherited from her parents, a fashion designer and a businessman.

Rebecca approaches every challenge with a can-do attitude, always finding a way to turn obstacles into opportunities. She has served on judging panels for the AICP (Beauty & Fashion), Shots (New Director), Young Director’s Award, & Gail Awards (Film & Craft).

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